Fruit Saver is a smart system that will help to reduce food waste
The Fruit Saver aims at reducing the food waste of fruits and vegetables in supermarkets. This is done both, by slowing the decaying process and alluring customers into buying the more mature products. The system has sensors placed all over the fruit shelf, and is thus able to detect and measure the levels of ethylene, a gas produced during ripening. The sensor system can be implemented independently for each box or compartment containing vegetables or fruits. Since each batch contains products of the same type, that likely have been harvested at the same time and have the same origin, the system monitors the average maturation level of each of these groups. Many functions are provided through interaction with an app, that can be logged in either as Customer or Employee, and behaves differently according to the type of login. Here are some details:
In the first prototype we use only one kind of fruit: banana.
Priority scale is 1=Very important, 5=Negligible.
Description: System language is english.
Area: Usability
Description: The Android app supports OS versions following 4.4.
Area: Portability
Description: The system response time for price updating and notifications depends on the gas samplings, while the app performance is less than 200/300 ms.
Area: Efficiency
Description: All consumers must have a internet connection to use the app.
Area: Interoperability
Description: In order for the sensors and the app to work properly, it is necessary an internet connection.
Area: Interoperability
Description: The sensors must have access to a control unit of sorts in order to trasmit data to the central system.
Area: Interoperability
Description: The sensor layout must be such to allow the installation of several units. Furthermore a database containing specific data about different types of fruits and vegetables should be provided or implememnted.
Area: Implementation
Description: The first version of the Fruit Saver will only support one type of fruit. Due to the copious amounts of gas that it usually produces and to its fast maturation, we have chosen to use the banana. In following versions the system may be implememented to support all kinds of climateric fruits (non-climateric fruits don't produce ethylene).
Area: Implementation
What kind of sensor is the best ethylene sensor for our purpose? Pressure? Chemical?