This is the page for open issues.
To keep track to all the known issues about the project.
2017 - 04 - 02
- Main problems we are still deciding on it the action part.
- Can the action be an alert to the user?
- That way the user will change the environment or will the action be the system acting on it own to change the lights?
- We also need to start looking into specific sensors for the project.
2017 - 05 - 05
We still do not have Functional Requirements for Scenario B & C in Deliverable 2
- The acting part has been much more clearified than before.
- With multiple scenarios came up, we are now more clear about what we are doing.
We are worried about that the schedule could be harsh.
- About the website
This does not look like a website for kids.Having technical issues during modifying the art style of the website.especially the navigator.
2017 - 05 - 20
- We are not sure about the specific models of the sensors we are using
- and thus we have some questions about how the sensors interact, which is the major part of Network Architecture