Defining the Architecture

System Architecture Diagram

System Architecture

  • Computational nodes

    The first node will be the main computer that will run the system, and store any user data. This will be a desktop computer that will process our codes, store all user information and adapt to changes that are made in the system. This also includes our laptops when we modify codes. This will be our “central”...

Purpose and scope (goal of the system)

The system will manage to teach the user sustainable habits through a game that shows the impact their actions are having on the world and encourages good behavior. Our target user will be children who will use the system in their homes, while their parents will be out secondary users who implement the system. This game will be a model farm, where the user’s real life actions impact the model farm. The...


Our product teaches the users sustainable habits in order to live a sustainable life as they grow up. This will also mean their parents save money on electricity and water and their kids will start forming habits without them around.

This will best be suited for the house and specifically the child’s room or play room where they will likely be on their own and in a space that is for them. We hope to eventually expand TCAS...

Team Composition

ID Last Name  First  Name     E-Mail   GitHub Username Role
s243367 Vermillion Monica @mvermillion HW Designer
s206646 Hajijalili Neda   @nedaajalili Programmer and SW developer
s194004 Gaiotti Pietro @PeterG93 HW and SW designer
s173376 Zhao Longsheng @charles173376 SW developer and Programmer

Open Issues

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